
Announcements & Articles

Defiant Crowdfunding

Defiant Crowdfunding

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Defiant funding campaign. It will run from October 01 to October 30 to July 15 on Kickstarter. We have chosen a straightforward campaign, with a single reasonable goal and clear counterparts, including one reserved for friendly local gaming stores.

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Gavriel Quiroga Partnership

Gavriel Quiroga Partnership

We are very happy to announce our partnership with Gavriel Quiroga. Artist, scholar, RPG and science-fiction enthusiast, he writes atypical games with a strong identity. He believes in games as a confluence of multidisciplinary art forms and as a tool for understanding our increasingly complex reality.

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Hypertellurians crowdfunding

Hypertellurians crowdfunding

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Hypertelluriens crowdfunding campaign. It will be live from June 14 to July 15 on GameOnTabletop. We have chosen a straightforward campaign, with a single reasonable goal and clear counterparts, including one reserved for friendly local gaming stores.

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Available: Reimagined, Fanfic Roleplaying Game

Available: Reimagined, Fanfic Roleplaying Game

We are pleased to announce the release of Reimagined, playing with fanfiction, along with its two supplements. REIMAGINED is a two-player game in which you design and play a TV-style fanfic based on your favorite book, movie, comic book, series or video game.

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