Pattern Recog Editions is a new French roleplaying game publisher based in Marseille. It was born from the meeting of two enthusiasts.

Jean-Christophe is a translator and author. He worked on RuneQuest in French and English, Fate, and many others. Jack is an event coordinator for board game distributors in France and Europe, and a field expert for game stores. He is also an author. It is said that their paths crossed thanks to Toon. It is also said that a road-trip through the improbable landscapes of the Brandenburg sealed their friendship.

Players since time immemorial, their love for gaming pushed them into this adventure in 2021. The birth of Pattern Recog Editions is the meeting of their complementary skills, their need to share and their desire to explore.

The name, Pattern Recog Editions, is a nod and a tribute to the almost eponymous novel Pattern Recognition by William Gibson, an author who has a special place in our stories. Like the heroine, we explore the French and international gaming scene to unearth games and gaming universes that we hope will merit your attention as gamers. We discover the nuggets among the abundance of productions to highlight the creations, authors and illustrators who make today’s games and invent tomorrow’s.

We are already at work. Our first projects are almost here. Stay tuned!