We are very pleased to announce our first partnership: Game Machinery. Based in Poland, this publisher of the indie scene spreads the passion of its creators, Marcin and Kate.

Both gamers since the 90s, they live for gaming. Kate worked as a game designer in CD Projekt Red on The Witcher and The Witcher 2. She published articles and short stories in Polish magazines. She is the author of Reimagined. Marcin published articles in the biggest roleplaying magazine in Poland. He was the host of the podcast Dogranocka. They are the authors of two Polish games Poza Czasem (Beyond Time) and Armie Apokalipsy (The Armies of the Apocalypse). They are also the authors of Defiant, written and published in English.

We will have the honor and pleasure to offer you Reimagined and Defiant in French. Thank you to Game Machinery for their faith.

Official website: Game Machinery