
Psychedelic heavy metal science-fantasy


Style : Psychedelic heavy metal science-fantasy
Original publisher : Gavriel Quiroga
Author : Gavriel Quiroga
Status : To be published

Warpland is a roleplaying, and also a world that has been convoluted by the technology of an extinct civilization.

The sky has been turned into a mind bending kaleidoscope, occasionally delivering mutagenic maelstroms that change forever the appearance of both the landscape and its people.

Abysses have punctured reality, corrupting it all with their infectious energy while seducing with power those insane enough to listen.

Now, Humanity exists in a self imposed iron age where academia and scientific progress has been forbidden under penalty of death. Only those few brave enough to challenge anathema and the will of The Citadel dare to understand the past, seeking the discovery of ancient artifacts still hidden under crumbling ruins and forsaken temples.

  • An original science fantasy setting populated by tribes, orders and cults!
  • An optional light rules classless 2d6 system that is both intuitive, dynamic and fast paced!
  • Choose from dozens of mutations, dark gifts and flaws for your character!
  • Featuring a wide array of random tables from sky phenomena to encounters in the wastes of Arkanar!